Walking Made Easy | 5 Reasons a Spleash® Makes Dog Walking Stress-Free

There’s not much we Americans love more than our dogs. President Harry Truman once said, “If you want a friend, get a dog!”

During this pandemic – most everyone, everywhere has one thing on their to-do list: “Walk the dog!” 

In fact, a 2017 survey suggests there are approximately 62 million dogs owned in the U.S. reports there has been a 70% increase in foster applications since this time last year and a 200% increase in online applications for adoption since COVID-19 hit the US.

One thing is clear: as a population, we are united in total dedication and unconditional love for our furry friends. 

That’s a lot of dogs. And, by default, a lot of potential dog walking obstacles. 

Why do we say obstacles

While we appreciate the daily joy of taking our dogs for a walk, run, or hike, we know first-hand there can be several potential stressors along the way.  From dogs needing refreshment from a walk that went a little long, to off-leash dogs charging our pack, to messes we can’t fully remove from ourselves or our neighbor’s yard, there are things many of us would prefer not to deal with while out with our beloved best-friends.

These real-life challenges were the inspiration behind SPLEASH®.  We were inspired to create a product that would simplify dog owners’ lives while creating a healthier environment for dogs and people everywhere. 

Want to know how SPLEASH® can elevate your dog walking experience? Read on!


Dogs can’t tell us when they are thirsty, and it’s sometimes easy to overlook the signs of dehydration. The truth is, on a warm day or when we head out for a longer walk or run, dogs can dehydrate quickly. But what about that juggling act we all do with our phone, the leash, a water bottle, and a bag of poop? That’s no fun at all. With its integrated water/leash design, SPLEASH® simplifies your life while making sure you keep your dog safe.


Some days, even a double bag can’t save you from the messy inevitable. It’s actually amazing how even the most skillful pick-up job can result in messy hands. You’ll appreciate a quick SPLEASH® clean off!


Is your dog allergic to bee stings? Pollens? Grasses? Ever ended up with a cut paw or damaged dew claw at the dog park?  If you answered yes (or would prefer not to find out the hard way), it’s important to be vigilant. A squirt of water can go a long way in a collision course with allergens and minor scrapes to protect your walking buddy from unexpected hazards. 


While we all appreciate a plate of cookies from our neighbors once in a while, you know what we’d love even more? If they didn’t leave stains and remnants on our front lawn. Now you get to be the good neighbor by spraying down the grass (or sidewalk) after your dog does their business.


Does your dog hate the garden hose, but you don’t want germs getting tracked into the house? Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. A quick SPLEASH® spray and you’re on your way!

Whoever said simple can’t be effective, never owned a SPLEASH®. 

By Zoe Oksanen


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